Pixar’s animated comedy, Turning Red, features a diverse cast with a main character tackling teen issues that we can all relate to. Directed by Chinese-Canadian Domee Shi, the film celebrates ...
Turning Red, a whimsical coming-of-age drama from Disney and Pixar, follows Meilin Lee (voiced by Rosalie Chiang) as she grows up in Toronto, Canada in the early 2000s – a setting well ...
In the last two years, Pixar has released four original films — the newest of which is Turning Red, out Friday, March 11 — and all have been good, and some outright fantastic. It's unfortunate ...
Learn more Pixar's newest animated feature, "Turning Red," explores the confusion of adolescence with a twist: its main character also happens to transform into a giant red panda. The movie ...
The Penguin fan art recreated the iconic ... Sofia wearing her iconic and dramatic red outfit, and Vic in his blue tracksuit, the artist has planted a great idea if Pixar ever wanted to go down ...