The purpose of the Math Placement Assessment (MPA) is to make sure that students begin their mathematical studies at UD in a course for which they are prepared and in which they can succeed. In that ...
Students taking Chinese, French, German, and Spanish can take a placement test to ensure they enroll in the correct course level. (Students enrolling in Italian will work directly with their faculty ...
Being prepared is the best way to ease the stress of test taking. If you are having difficulty scheduling your Placement Test, please contact the UNG Testing Office. If you are required to take more ...
The Bridge English Placement Test measures competencies in all English language and academic skills, including reading, writing, listening and speaking. Per University requirements, incoming ...
The online Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces (ALEKS) Placement Assessment covers material from basic math through precalculus. While this exam is not required for many students, you must ...
Depending on your major or academic program, you may need only one mathematics course at the university level. Our placement test helps identify if you need prerequisite work to succeed in this course ...
The ASL placement test is an online assessment designed to assess a student’s competency and knowledge in ASL. The ASL placement test can be taken if a student already knows ASL in order to fulfill CU ...
Calvin University offers students the opportunity to take French, German, and Spanish language placement assessments online. These tests are designed to help determine what sequence of language ...
What is the Math Placement Exam (MPE)? The MPE is a test that assesses a student's proficiency in mathematics and determines the appropriate math course for the student's skill level. The University ...
To measure your mastery of a particular subject and determine which courses offer you the best chance for success, all entering students are required to take placement assessments in English and Math.
Placement in an appropriate initial math course is crucial to your success at Michigan Tech. Our goal is to place you into the course that will provide the best opportunity to complete your degree in ...