Only one parent is needed in asexual reproduction and the offspring are exact copies. Not all plants produce flowers. These are called non-flowering plants. Ferns and mosses are examples of plants ...
Through his breeding experiments with pea plants, Mendel established three ... the potential combinations of parental alleles in the offspring is to align the alleles in a grid called a Punnett ...
In biology and life, organisms have a basic drive to reproduce and every living thing needs energy. This is the topic for ...
So just what are they? When looking at the figure, notice that for each F 1 plant, the self-fertilization resulted in more round than wrinkled seeds among the F 2 progeny. These results illustrate ...
Insect-pollination of flowering plants is responsible for the majority of the world’s flowering diversity and is an essential part of plant reproduction. Flowers have bright colours, smells and ...
When Mendel bred a tall plant to a short one, all of the offspring were always tall, never blending to medium size. When he then bred those offspring together, three out of four of their offspring ...
Highly social, a single queen in a nest with thousands of offspring workers. Nest in cavities in nature. Introduced worldwide for use in pollination of agriculturally important crops. The colours ...
Plant biotechnologies play an important role in mutation breeding. Plant tissue culture techniques are powerful tools in shortening the time needed to generate breeding mutant lines (those that always ...