With so many diapers to change, the first few weeks and months with your baby may seem all about pee and poop. How do you know what's normal? We've got some guidance step by step. The first thing ...
Sometimes, people have poop that's so dark it looks black. It might also have a sticky consistency, like that of tar. If your poop is black, it might be due to a change in your diet, a new ...
Normal poop color is light to dark brown, but stool comes in different colors. You might occasionally notice your bowel movements are green, yellow, black, orange, and white. It isn't unusual to ...
Holding in poop on occasion is not harmful, but doing this often can lead to constipation, impaction, inflammation, and more severe complications. People who hold in their poop too often may start ...
This article explains why pooping may feel pleasurable. It also outlines some of the characteristics of a healthy poop and discusses some of the problems associated with not pooping. The pudendal ...
It can also change the frequency and color of poop. Medications, diets, and lifestyle changes can help manage these symptoms. For people with any form of IBD, like Crohn’s disease, trips to the ...
On a bright October day, high schoolers from Francis L. Cardozo Education Campus piled into a boat on the Anacostia River ... Sewage is a code word for what?” Sherard asked the teenagers. “Poop!” one ...