The TNM and WHO classification systems grade tumors into four categories according to degree of cell differentiation; however, the grades are defined on the basis of subjective judgment, which can ...
“Poorly differentiated” refers to cancer cells that have more abnormalities and look less like normal cancer cells. Poorly differentiated thyroid cancer is uncommon, accounting for fewer than 5% of ...
Surgery and radioiodine therapy are usually effective for most patients with differentiated thyroid cancer. However, poorly differentiated and anaplastic thyroid carcinomas represent a challenge ...
In cancer terminology, "well-differentiated" means the cancer cells resemble the normal cells from which they grew. Well-differentiated cancers grow more slowly and have a better prognosis than ...
These findings were later confirmed to be poorly differentiated carcinoma, an advanced and aggressive form of cancer. While the patient was eventually diagnosed with lung cancer, the tumours ...
and have poorly differentiated tumors with higher maxSUV values on PET scans. Never-smokers with early-stage cancer have a significantly better survival rate than smokers. Patients with a smoking ...