Imagine a threesome that then propels you into sister wife-dom. I have chills! What is this, The Handmaid’s Tale????
This is disturbing enough, but it becomes even more unsettling when Lou's body begins to degrade, mysterious figures begin to ...
While most horror movies aim to build tension slowly, these titles deliver nonstop terror from start to finish.
Perhaps predictably, the horror genre has been a place to explore the anxieties of pregnancy, in covert ways—the chestburster scene in Alien can be read as a birth metaphor—and overt ones.
The doctor boasts a high success rate for his cutting-edge methods, and all seems well once Julia is pregnant ... be some connection? A film with a more obvious horror bent might provide ...
Related: 9 Terrifying Horror Movies About Pregnancy Antics ensue as Lainy tries to live the double life between the friends who know she's not pregnant and the new friends who think she is ...
Young, 38, gave birth to a girl on Aug ... was born to a 15-year-old mother who fostered her love of horror movies, she told VoyageLA in 2021. “I was watching Poltergeist, Pet Sematary and ...