The sequence of amino acids in the chain determines how the chain will fold up to make the protein, so different proteins have different three-dimensional shapes. The three-dimensional shape of a ...
Selective protein degradation by the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway is a fundamental regulatory strategy that fulfils essential roles in various cellular processes. In recognition of the central ...
Chemical and biomolecular engineers at Georgia Tech have developed a plug-and-play platform that's simple, flexible, and easy ...
However, researchers soon realized that producing spider silk in microbes was no easy feat. The spider silk protein ... was fascinated by spider silk and sought help for synthesizing the protein in ...
We also collaborate on various structural biology projects with local bioscience research groups with interest in structural studies in particular through the protein crystallography core facility.
Researchers knew that the ability to determine protein structure without relying on tedious experiments would unlock a plethora of applications—better drug targets, easy protein function determination ...