在2024“鸡斯卡”颁奖典礼的现场见到TAEHYUN KIM先生本人,是非常令人激动的——过去的数年中,正是在他的带领之下,《PUBG》才逐渐发展到了今天。而且,与人们设想中的那种“久居深阁”的开发人员不同的是,TAEHYUN ...
受官方邀请,上个月我们参加了《PUBG》的2024鸡斯卡年终盛典活动,见证了《PUBG》创作者们的奇思妙想与现场比赛的精彩瞬间。期间,我们还针对《PUBG》近期版本中地图、枪械、机制等多个维度的更新,对《PUBG》的开发制作总监TAEHYUN KIM进行了提问。
【本文由小黑盒作者@在下乃是令尊于03月12日发布,未经许可不得转载!】 正常来说,如果有人让我给点玩PUBG的建议,那我的建议是不玩。且不论那些满天飞的桂,抠搜的福利和让人两眼一黑的老六,单是武器皮肤成长系统就让人有一种花钱挨揍的M感。
最近PUBG随着几次更新确实有不少的BUG,比如角色持枪吞枪BUG。 当然这种BUG无伤大雅并不影响实际的游玩体验,但是有一些BUG却十分恼人,比如PUBG ...
PUBG: Battlegrounds Update 34.1 brings changes like weapon tweaks, vehicle enhancements, and a more accessible 1v1 Arena mode. The update aims to improve gameplay by rebalancing weapons like the ...
PUBG Black Budget is an upcoming extraction shooter developed by Krafton. This game is part of a series of new titles expanding the PUBG universe, including PUBG Valor and PUBG Blindspot. The ...
The PUBG Mobile 3.7 update will be released on March 9, 2025, introducing a new Golden Dynasty Mode, the Rondo map, and various enhancements. Players can expect dynamic weather systems ...
Feels like it was just yesterday when PUBG fans were poking fun at TikTokers after TikTok's ban in India last month. Now, the red zone seems to be zeroing in on PUBG mobile.
PUBG creator Brendan Greene says he's making a huge open-world game for his new project for a pretty simple reason - it's the project he wants to make. In an interview with Greene amid the ...