A Gears of War Collection compiling all three games from the original trilogy has been rumored for a long, long time, but ...
Press Play、CCP Games、Rare资深制作人联合打造,游戏全面升级,扩展PvE与PvP玩法,全球超500万玩家加入创意建造Flashbulb Games 今日正式发布 ...
That could be a future we're looking at though, as there are now two different people suggesting that the Gears Collection ...
然而,就在《漫威争锋》取得傲人成绩之际,开发团队却传出了不幸的消息:网易旗下负责该游戏开发的美国团队遭遇了大规模裁员。多名被裁员工陆续在领英(LinkedIn)上分享了自己的遭遇,担任关卡设计师的杰克·伯罗斯(Jack Burrows)在该平台上表示:“刚刚被《漫威争锋》项目裁员。”游戏总监塔德·萨瑟(Thaddeus ...
Red Barrels game director, Alex Charbonneau, discusses the game's unflinching gore, surviving under Fortnite, and the ...
FragPunk is a brand-new release across all platforms, serving as a fast-paced 5v5 experience that promises no two rounds will ever be the same thanks to "Shard Cards" that customise the gameplay and ...
近日,一款名为《漫威争锋》的超级英雄PVP团队射击游戏在全球范围内掀起热潮,该游戏由网易与MARVEL Games携手打造,自2024年底发布以来,迅速吸引了超过两千万玩家的关注。它在Xbox、PlayStation以及Steam等多个游戏平台上均取得了显著成绩,周活跃用户数跻身前五,特别是在Steam平台上,更是冲进了最热门游戏榜单的第三位。