Dr Peter Verheyen explores quantum bits and consciousness, focusing this time on biochemical information processing ...
New research suggests that humanity may soon find an answer to one of its oldest and most profound questions: what is ...
The science that was repulsive to an idea of religious belief thus began to embrace religious ideas culminating with the ...
Hartmut Neven, who leads Google's Quantum AI lab, wants to entangle our brains with quantum processors to test the idea that consciousness involves quantum phenomena ...
Recent research in this area explores how quantum concepts can provide insights into consciousness, social dynamics, and subjective experiences, thereby enhancing our understanding of decision ...
To do so would involve creating interfaces between human brains and quantum computers, and attempting to measure any resulting changes in consciousness. Consciousness is something we all have ...
As science wrestles with the thorny job of proving, defining and understanding human consciousness, one pioneering startup aims to apply cutting-edge theories of consciousness to AI models – and ...