17 天
证券之星 on MSN持续助力产业绿色转型升级 SHEIN过半快递袋已采用再生材料根据媒体报道,SHEIN在国内持续投入超百亿扩建智慧供应链,打造集绿色、智慧、自动于一体的供应链基建,促进和助力产业数字化、精益化转型升级。例如,在投资百亿元级别的广州希音湾区供应链项目园区中,将通过安装屋面太阳能光伏发电系统,预计年均节省标准煤约8121吨,减排二氧化碳约22000吨;还将设置集中式水蓄冷空调系统,可以通过削峰填谷的模式有效节省能耗,实现低碳绿色的运行目标。
While there are plenty of fancy gadgets you can use to track your effort in the gym or on a run, there’s one core metric that uses no tech at all: the rate of perceived exertion. RPE in the most basic ...
So, how can you find the right balance? We're glad you asked. Utilising the Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale allows you ...
The findings were from 6 patients in the first low-dose cohort of the ongoing first-in-human trial (NCT04627428).