Upon hire, each candidate should work with their chair to develop a long-term Professional Development Plan, to be approved by the Dean, that outlines expectations and goals for teaching and service ...
The graduate application allows applicants to select up to two graduate campuses and/or majors per application. If you are applying to more than one graduate program, we highly suggest you contact ...
The letters should address whether the applicant comes prepared to meetings, participates regularly, can give and take criticism appropriately, displays Hope’s Virtues of Public Discourse and ...
In the fall of your senior year, please inform your primary advisor or professor of your intentions to apply to graduate school. If you plan to take some time off, discuss your interest in applying in ...
CU Boulder Career Services partners with PrivateFolio to provide file management services for students and alumni. PrivateFolioallows students to create an electronic dossier (also called a portfolio) ...