your connection with the student. Again, please include the full name and name of the high school of the applicant. Do not use nicknames. A letter of recommendation has more traction when it is clear ...
If you work or volunteer in a mental health facility or research lab, the people there will know how you work. Plan your remaining undergraduate semesters with an eye toward providing material for ...
You will probably have students ask you to write a letter of recommendation for graduate or professional school, a scholarship or fellowship, a job, or other types of experience. The following tips ...
Letters of recommendation/evaluation are an important part of your application to professional school. During the application process, the first opportunity that ...
Are you planning on going to a graduate school or professional school after you graduate? Are you applying for a special program for which you will need a letter of recommendation? Do you know who you ...
Recommendation letters play a bigger role than many students might think, says Richard Tench, a school counselor at St. Albans High School in West Virginia. "This really paints the bigger picture ...