Citations: His work has been cited by over 2025 publications ( with h-index of 22 and i10-index of 50. Selected reviewed publications (abridged list): Dr. Siddharthan has authored ...
To discover how research findings are being used. To learn more about a field or a topic. To assess relationships between authors, fields. There are several tools available for citation analysis, some ...
As a student or researcher, you’ve probably spent countless hours navigating through papers, formatting citations, and ...
Alcacer, Juan, and Michelle Gittelman. "Patent Citations as a Measure of Knowledge Flows: The Influence of Examiner Citations." Review of Economics and Statistics 88, no. 4 (November 2006): 774–779.
Do you know how to write a complete citation? Do you have a system for keeping track of the many citations you gather while doing research? Can you quickly create a bibliography for that paper or ...
But does published health research impact patients, policy, the economy, or society? Common metrics that are purported to capture scientists’ contributions to their field include citations generated ...