A North Atlantic right whale found dead off the coast of Virginia Saturday died from a vessel strike, according to the results of a necropsy. The whale, known as Catalogue #1950, was towed ashore ...
An endangered North Atlantic right whale first spotted in 1989 was found dead off the Virginia coast, the National Oceanic ...
Experts have determined that the cause of the recent death of 30 whales in the Valdés Peninsula ... Of the total number of specimens found dead, 26 were adults, of which 19 were female, 2 ...
This was shortly after a baby right whale was found dead off the coast of New Jersey, with propeller wounds across its head, chest and tail. North Atlantic right whales are greatly threatened by ...
A Cuvier’s beaked whale was found dead floating near the Sta. Ana Wharf in Davao City. A concerned citizen found the carcass of the whale and reported it to authorities. Personnel of the Coast Guard ...
It was a whale of a surprise. An endangered North Atlantic right whale and her calf were spotted splashing in waters off of New York City last week — marking an exceptional visit from a rare ...
Federal and state officials are recovering the carcass of a humpback whale calf from the shores of Kihei, Maui. The Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources says it is a deceased humpback whale ...
Fortunately, in the end, the spending bills were stripped of these riders. In February, it was determined that gear entangling a young North Atlantic right whale found dead on Martha’s Vineyard ...