RTX 50系列显卡在发布后出现了ROP单元缺失的问题,三款显卡均受到影响,最多可能导致游戏性能下降11%。尽管官方表示影响有限,受影响的用户 ...
Facebook 用户 Weng Seng Chan 昨日发现,他刚买到的 RTX 5070 Ti 显卡 ROP 数量显示为 88 个(正常规格 96 个),这也是首个发现缺失 ROP 单元的 RTX 5070 Ti 显卡。
快科技3月2日消息,RTX 50系列已发布的三款显卡都出现了ROP单元莫名丢失8个的问题,最多会影响11%的游戏性能,但官方声称影响范围很小,而且 ...
2月22日消息,英伟达(NVIDIA)已确认,因缺少光栅单元(ROP)问题,影响了约0.5%的 GeForce RTX 5090和RTX 5070 Ti 显卡,并且生产异常已经修复。 据 ...
"We have identified a rare issue affecting less than 0.5% (half a percent) of GeForce RTX 5090 / 5090D and 5070 Ti GPUs, which have one fewer ROP than specified," the official statement of Nvidia ...
This user included GPU-Z screenshots of his card showing a lower ROP count and mentioned that it was getting a lower-than-expected score in the 3DMark benchmark. Switching between two BIOS didn't ...