3月1日,演员兼歌手中岛健人(30岁)作为秘密嘉宾,登上了在东京举行的时尚活动《东京,Girls,Collection》的舞台。 他在4人舞蹈团体s,*,*,t,kingz制作,以时装秀为主题的舞蹈秀上登场。在表演前播放的视频中介绍他是嘉宾,之后会场响起了热烈的欢呼声。在时装秀进行到一半时,他以时装设计师的角色出如今明星时段,带来了独舞和他与丸山礼(27岁)的舞蹈。 s,*,*,t,kingz的s ...
It was a sunny day last May when, then as Nate Meithof, the Oregon State rising junior guard walked into the Marion County Courthouse in Salem and officially made the move on a life-changing decision.
In a world where commerce never sleeps, Tope Olojede’s Kingz Logistics isn’t just keeping pace, it’s setting the tempo. This Texas-based powerhouse is rewriting the rules of global trade ...