1 天on MSN
快科技3月25日消息,三星Galaxy S26 Ultra原型机的相关信息已经曝光,其中最引人注目的升级便是其在影像系统上的重大突破。 根据海外X平台上的爆料者@Vhsss_God透露,三星Galaxy S26 ...
具体可在 f/2.4 和 f/1.5 之间互相切换,随后的 S10 系列也延续了这一设计,不过后续旗舰机型选择放弃。 据博主 @i冰宇宙 昨日晚间爆料,Galaxy S26 ...
The Samsung Galaxy S26 Ultra is a behemoth of a flagship, which is going to take the S-series to unprecedented heights with ...
13 天on MSN
近期,有关三星Galaxy S系列手机可能重拾可变光圈技术的消息引起了广泛关注。据悉,早在2018年,三星就在其Galaxy S9手机上首次引入了可变光圈镜头设计,允许用户在f/2.4和f/1.5之间自由切换,这一创新设计在随后的S10系列中也得到了延续。然而,令人遗憾的是,在后续的旗舰机型中,三星却选择了放弃这一技术。
The current S25 family all run Snapdragon hardware, but will Qualcomm’s exclusivity continue, or can Samsung bring Exynos back for the Galaxy S26? Writing for FN News, Kim Jun-seok and Im Su-bin ...
Predictions for the Galaxy S26 include silicon-carbon battery tech and camera upgrades. Samsung may need to explore new form factors and design elements to stand out in a stagnant smartphone market.
Well, according to a new report, it looks like Samsung could bring variable aperture to the Galaxy S26 Ultra ... the aperture would shift between f/1.5 and f/2.4. It would depend if the lighting ...