盖世汽车讯 据外媒报道,是德科技公司(Keysight Technologies)宣布扩展其汽车以太网Rx合规性解决方案,包括对MultiGBASE-T1数据速率的支持。此增强型解决方案采用用于汽车以太网MultiGBASE-T1的全新接收机测试合规性(Receiver Test Compliance)软件,以及定制设计的噪声注入装置,以支持汽车车载网络的下一波技术浪潮。 图片来源:是德科技 下一 ...
offering all the bandwidth needed for next-generation SDV applications, using a newer type of standard connector called T1 It wasn't always that way. In fact, in-car Ethernet goes back 15 years.
This enhanced solution features new Receiver Test compliance software for Automotive Ethernet MultiGBASE-T1, along with a custom ... software-defined vehicles (SDV) of the future.