在电动汽车竞争日趋激烈的市场中,奥迪与华为再度联手,共同推出令人期待的全新电动车型——国产Q6 e-tron系列。这款车型紧随奥迪A5L之后,成为又一搭载华为高阶智能驾驶系统的重量级作品,展现了二者在智能驾驶领域的深厚合作。
快科技3月20日消息,继全新A5L之后,奥迪又一款搭载了华为高阶智驾的车已经申报,它正是全新国产的Q6L e-tron系列 。该车基于奥迪和保时捷合力开发的PPE高端纯电平台打造,国产版分为e-tron以及e-tron ...
奥迪汽车再次携手华为,为市场带来了一款全新的电动车型——国产Q6L e-tron系列。这款车型紧随A5L之后,成为又一搭载华为高阶智能驾驶系统的力作。 Q6L e-tron系列基于奥迪与保时捷共同研发的PPE高端纯电平台精心打造。此次国产版本推出了e ...
The SQ6 tops out the Q6 e-tron range, offering both the most powerful drivetrain but also a significant lift in standard ...
Q6 e-tron owners and prospective customers have a good reason to rejoice as Electrify America offers them a year of ...
It’s a good day in the office when you’re driving through Tasmania’s rolling countryside, where the roads twist and turn ...
Actual terms vary by lender. What is the electric range of the Audi SQ6 e-tron? The electric Audi SQ6 e-tron can travel up to 275 miles on a single charge depending on electric motor and battery ...
The same is true of the new Audi SQ6 e-tron electric crossover, which slots in above the normal Q6 e-tron but below the forthcoming RS Q6 e-tron. With 510 horsepower when launch control is active ...
Audi's Australian product offensive will continue with the arrival of a cheaper version of the Audi's Q6 e-tron.
See the latest and greatest features of the newly redesigned cars, trucks and SUVs headed to a dealer near you. Search by car manufacturer or specific models to get an in-depth preview of the latest ...