More than 70 years later, the prosecution of a 94-year-old former SS guard renews questions about how to assign blame for the Holocaust On a cold, gray morning in February, Irene Weiss was waiting ...
When the SS guards disappeared, the stronger prisoners ripped up planks and used them as oars to paddle the massive boats back to shore. But just as the inmates landed, the guards returned.
Picking his way carefully between the maze of trip wires, the prisoner reached the camp fence, then turned around and defiantly called to a nearby SS guard: “Don’t be a coward. Shoot ...
Local prosecutors in the town of Giessen, north of Frankfurt, are accusing the man of having “supported the cruel and malicious killing of thousands of prisoners as a member of the SS guard ...
a former member of the Nazi party's paramilitary SS, with assisting to the deaths of 3,518 people in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp by regularly standing guard at the watchtower between 1942 ...
One of the three survivors of the Chelmno murder camp testified today in the trial of 12 former SS guards at the camp that Jews, stunned but not killed in the camp’s poison gas vans, were tossed ...