Sailor Moon is the story of Tsukino Usagi, a young girl who meets a cat called Luna and unlocks her special powers as a Sailor Scout, being able to transform and gain magical abilities.
10.47 x 9.09 in. (26.6 x 23.1 cm.) Subscribe now to view details for this work, and gain access to over 18 million auction results. Purchase One-Day Pass ...
The Super Live, the 2.5D musical sensation based on the popular manga (comic book), will launch a North American tour this ...
As one of the main titles in the first wave of anime popularity for Western audiences, and responsible for introducing a ...
The Sailor Moon play titled Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon The Super Live is receiving more overseas performances, including in ...
Tuxedo Mask may remind fans of some surprising parallels in shonen anime despite his shojo background as a character.
Usagi Tsukino is chosen to be a guardian of justice and is sent on a quest to locate a Silver Crystal before the Dark Kingdom invades the Earth. ABC iview Home Watch all your favourite ABC programs on ...
Usagi and Chibiusa overhear two girls talking about the Sailor Senshi and Tuxedo Mask. Humorously, as the girls discuss which is the smartest, most elegant, strongest, and the leader of the Senshi ...
Japanese singer Ayumi Hamasaki is collaborating with Sailor Moon. Naoko Takeuchi drew a picture of Hamasaki and Usagi posing together to commemorate this campaign. Recommended Videos The key ...
Queen Serenity put all of her power into ensuring the Sailor Senshi would be reincarnated in the next life. Years later, Usagi Tsukino is chosen to be Sailor Moon after helping a cat named Luna.