If you are abroad and have a craving for a grilled salmon bento, give this a try ... Cut chikuwa into bite-size pieces and place them in a small bowl. Combine flour, potato starch, baking powder ...
Line a small baking tray with foil. Place the salmon on the baking tray. Pour a tablespoon of the dressing into a small bowl and brush over the salmon. Sprinkle with the sesame seeds. Bake for 10 ...
Her version for bento has cheese inside, making it extra delicious. Recently, fish and miso dishes have been trending in America, so Marc introduces the most popular amongst them: miso salmon bento.
From Marc, Salmon Menchi-katsu: deep-fried breaded salmon cakes! Maki cooks up a delicious Chicken-nasu bento with her 3S sauce plus one. Also, a look at Taiwan's "san-bei" or "three-cup" cuisine.