To gourmands, this is the unrivalled capital of Spain’s food ... hence Donostia-San Sebastián, with Donostia being the abbreviated Euskara version of Saint Sebastian. Adding around 10 per ...
August in southern Spain experiences ... you think visiting once the summer has ended is a good strategy, think again. In September, the popular, weeklong San Sebastian Film Festival hosts big ...
The Honors College's and UMass Lowell's most popular study abroad program will take students to San Sebastian for three weeks in July and August. As with every summer, we will likely run multiple ...
Motoras de la Isla runs regular boat trips to the island from the port beside the Old Town during the summer ... San Sebastian is the first major stop along the Camino de Santiago in Spain ...
It's important to know that San Sebastian doesn't have an international airport. If you're already in Spain, you can fly into the San Sebastian Airport (EAS), located a little less than 13 miles ...
SAN SEBASTIÁN, Spain — This Basque resort town perched on the North Atlantic boasts one of the highest concentrations of Michelin-starred restaurants in the world. The population of less than ...