Their awareness of school shootings and mass shootingscan lead to emotional conversations filled with complex questions. Here, Save the Children’s emergency response experts offer tips to help you ...
A conversation starter for children to take home, designed to help them talk about the hardest subjects ... chat could benefit the students in your school, download our homework task today here.
Late-talking children may have lingering language-related problems and develop learning disabilities in school, says Downey. "Oral language is the foundation for all academic areas, including ...
Explore our free race, racism, and anti-racism teaching resources. Our guides will give you confidence in talking to children and young people about race and racism in schools and developing their ...
How to encourage your child to take care at school Alex, an early years consultant and mum, explains how you can encourage your child to take care while at school. Game - My First Day at School ...
Researchers also gave children a math test and found that children who scored higher tended to have parents who talked about math more during the observation period.