The M.S. in Chemical and Biomedical Engineering prepares students who wish to either pursue doctoral work in ... The Master's Degree must be completed within five calendar years, unless an extension ...
Students benefit from our department's interdisciplinary research connections across Northwestern’s schools as well as to local hospitals. In addition, our community is strengthened by our thriving ...
These prestigious programs embed students in a small community of scholars conducting similar research, providing unique, domain-specific training opportunities that complement the core elements of ...
Individual programs may have higher standards and students are expected to know their program's requirements. See the Doctor of Philosophy Requirements website for more information about PhD ...
Faculty in the Biomedical Engineering department, part of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, help students gain the knowledge and ...
See expanded profiles of nearly 1,800 schools. Unlock entering class stats including MCAT, GMAT and GRE scores. Learn how to find the right school and apply to competitive programs. Explore your ...
You'll also work one-on-one with Christian profs who will explain your career options and help you work toward your goal. When you graduate, you'll have the rock-solid engineering education and ...
Our multidisciplinary approach to biomaterial research requires contribution of trainees with different science and engineering backgrounds. Our laboratory trains students in biomedical engineering ...
The innovations taking place in medical and health-care technology — known as ‘med-tech’ and ‘health-tech’ — involve ...
Sound exciting? Consider adding a biomedical engineering minor to your degree! The program is available to engineering and non-engineering majors, and it is excellent preparation for medical school.
Biomedical engineering is a highly interdisciplinary field at the intersection of traditional engineering disciplines and medicine. Our program prepares students to assess, design and test solutions ...