In an event that sounds like the opening chapter of a science fiction epic, a robot powered by advanced artificial intelligence successfully persuaded other robots to abandon their tasks and “go ...
Don’t let the name of the Open-TeleVision project fool you; it’s a framework for improving telepresence and making ... researches provided a user with a robot-mounted, real-time stereo video ...
It’s called Botiful and aims to turn any Android phone into a mobile telepresence robot. Botiful is built around the IOIO Android to Arduino dev board and provides a very clean way to ...
Originally written over 60 years ago, Isaac Asimov’s I, Robot is becoming truer with every day that passes. The world that he imagined is now upon us. As Radio 4 broadcasts its adaptation of ...
Robby the Robot is an iconic figure in sci-fi history, known for his unique design and appearance in multiple movies and ...
While bots playing a role in building cars is nothing new, the company is taking things a step further in the US by introducing Audi Robotic Telepresence ... ART robot simply need a Wi-Fi ...
Netflix has released a trailer for its upcoming sci-fi series Cassandra , which comes from Germany. The story centers on Artificial Intelligence helpers who end up glitching and go haywire. "Cassandra ...