A new study led by UVic postdoctoral fellow Graham Epstein, suggests that marine protected areas (MPAs) could play a key role in preserving seabed carbon storage to help combat climate change.
Standard topological mapping using acoustic sensors struggles with the relatively faint signals that bounce off soft seafloor sediments and the distortions of seawater. As a result, it was once ...
Setting out to study how these cultures treated their Aegean environments in turn, a team of researchers sampled a series of sediment cores from the sea’s coasts and seafloor. Analyzing 14 separate ...
They used the Shinkai 6500 manned research submersible and equipment that can dive to great depths to sample seafloor sediments at seven locations in 2019. The sites were around 1,000 meters deep ...
Professor Andrew Sweetman and his colleagues set out to measure seafloor respiration but instead stumbled upon a hidden ecosystem capable of producing oxygen. The most crucial ...
More information: Fatma Gomaa et al, Array of metabolic pathways in a kleptoplastidic foraminiferan protist supports chemoautotrophy in dark, euxinic seafloor sediments, The ISME Journal (2024).