After a long day at work—or an even longer day with the kids—it may be tempting for many to release frustration on fellow drivers or pedestrians by means of the car horn. But honking the horn ...
That means it is illegal to honk a horn to pick up a date or, if you are in Louisville, Ken., to have driven around town honking in celebration of the University of Louisville's victory over ...
If you've ever heard a train blowing its horn and thought, "Man, I wish I had that for my truck," you're not alone. This wonderful invention made its way from trains onto heavy trucks sometime ...
While simply getting around can be tough enough, Indian drivers have developed the unfortunate habit of honking their horns. Often. At all hours of the day. And then at night. All the time.
The loud honking noise of vehicles often leaves people irritated more than alerting them on the roadway. When busses with shrilling horn sounds drove in Karnataka, a traffic police officer stopped ...
A man who honked his car horn and flashed his headlights to get ... "My daughter was born in the garage at home. Honking is good," he tweeted. Stormzy snapchats while stuck in ladies' loo at ...
Hyderabad: It has been established that honking and horns from RTC buses that go up to 113 deciBels are the most notorious noise polluters in the city. This fact was revealed by traffic volunteers ...