"She was in the shelter for three months before I adopted her, she was due to be euthanized 2 weeks after I adopted her, people say I saved Jackie but she saved us. She gave us light, laughter again, ...
"Not sure how to put this, but he looks like you and you look like him. You guys just complete each other so much," one user ...
Hershey is a gentle senior who has been through a lot ... Second Chance Small Dog Rescue, Elkhart. Email: [email protected]. Websites: secondchancesmalldogs.org.
I featured two companion dogs who were ready for adoption. Although they were in a foster home with Robin Speas of Santa Fe, ...
One of the dogs, Piccolo, got a fresh start after he landed at the shelter in early February. The “special” dog needed a home ...
They are described as “lovable and social pups” who have health conditions but defy expectations for older dogs. The dogs’ heartwarming adoption resonated with several social media users.