The researchers used a set of DNA variations, or haplotypes ... candle-lighting ceremony that she is descended from Sephardic Jews who fled to Puerto Rico during the Spanish Inquisition.
A new DNA study on the 500 ... Columbus either concealed his Jewish identity or converted to Catholicism to escape religious ...
(JTA)– Over 130,000 Jews of Sephardic heritage applied for Spanish citizenship under a 2015 law giving the right to naturalization to descendants of Sephardic Jews. The application window for ...
The team collected DNA samples from Bantu (African), Yemeni (Arab), and Sephardic Jews and Azhkenazi Jews (including Cohanim from both communities) to compare the amount of similarity that existed ...
About 50 percent of Cohanim in both Sephardic and Ashkenazic ... Cohanim is rarely found outside of Jewish populations. Gene-scan outputs of microsatellite DNA analysis of genetic samples taken ...