U.S. IG Corporate Bond Index ETF (XSHU.U:CA) declares CAD 0.08/share monthly dividend. Payable March 31; for shareholders of record March 26; ex-div March 26. See XSHU.U:CA Dividend Scorecard, Yield ...
Trading and investment firm IG Group has reported a 12 per cent jump in total revenue to £268m for the third quarter of its ...
广东话/普通话客服营业时间:星期一至星期五新加坡时间早上05:30–隔日凌晨02:00 ^ IG International Ltd是IG集团控股有限公司(IG Group Holdings Plc)的一部分,IG集团于1974年成立,是富时250指数的成分股。 差价合约交易的损失风险可能很大,您的投资价值可能会有波动。
The P/B ratio shows how a stock's market price compares to its book value. It helps gauge whether a stock is undervalued or overvalued relative to its net assets.
Traditionally, investors will buy shares in a company (e.g. Apple) in the hope the company’s value will rise. If it does, so will its share price and the shares the investor owns can be sold on for a ...