Film series featuring Godzilla from the Reiwa era. "Godzilla (Reiwa)" is a thrilling movie collection that showcases the mighty Godzilla's destructive power. In the first film, "Shin Godzilla," a ...
There were three live-action Godzilla films plus three anime movies released during the 2010s, but which of the bunch stands ...
Collaborative concert of Hideaki Anno's Shin Godzilla and Neon genesis Evangelion in which you can listen to the soundtrack composed by Shirō Sagisu for both works.
The 1954 film 'Godzilla' launched a franchise that has been warning viewers to take better care of the Earth for the past 70 ...
In the 1990s, two classic Godzilla allies were almost combined into one kaiju, which likely would have given birth to a ...
“Shin Godzilla” (2016) features a hyper-realistic depiction of the monster. Bug eyes, countless rows of razor-sharp teeth piled in its mouth and thick black scales with crevices that expose deep red ...
Giant Monsters All-Out Attack" was an anti-war film where Godzilla is possessed by the souls of people who died in World War II. 2016's "Shin Godzilla" was inspired by the Fukushima disaster and ...
NAGOYA--Hideaki Anno, the director of such notable works as the “Evangelion” series and “Shin Godzilla,” said he is exhausted after releasing movies for three straight years. In a recent ...
An official Godzilla Toho social media account shared a cryptic post about crossing over with Kaiju No. 8. Find out more here ...
Most of the newer movies use computer graphics to create the monster. The latest instalment called Shin Godzilla was released last year under the original Toho studio.
In this first film in the Legendary series, Godzilla is the world’s only hope amid attacks by an army of mutant kaiju. * Shin Godzilla, 2016: With its red, ripped flesh and jagged maw ...