Lee, a student at Korea University in Seoul, lost his life at Tokyo’s JR Shin-Okubo Station on Jan. 26, 2001, when he attempted to rescue a Japanese man who had fallen onto the tracks.
Bullet train services between Tokyo and Osaka were temporarily halted Friday after a fire broke out near a track in central ...
A memorial service has been held for a South Korean student and a Japanese man 24 years after they died trying to rescue a ...
OMURA, Nagasaki Prefecture--The newly opened Shin-Omura Station here has been thrust into the spotlight among rail buffs as the new final stop on the “longest one-way train trip” in Japan. The ...
This year marks the 150th anniversary of Japan's railway system. Tokyo Station - the heart of the network is a hub station that provides access to various destinations. Tokyo Station is the first ...
Donna Burke has the most famous voice you've never heard of. The Australian expat first moved to Japan in the 1990s, hoping ...