房屋贷款曾普遍采用的基准利率——新元银行同业拆息率(SIBOR),已完全过渡到新元隔夜利率(SORA),后者已成为新元贷款产品的基准利率。 负责监督新元掉期利率(SOR)和新元银行同业拆息率过渡至新元隔夜利率的指导委员会(SC-STS,下称指导委员会 ...
SIBOR was largely used in retail mortgage loans. More than half of the SIBOR retail loans were actively transitioned out of SIBOR, with the remaining 40,000 loans undergoing automatic conversion ...
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. – If you’re in the market for a home on Staten Island, be prepared to pay $700K or more: According to a ...
The SORA market has since grown to more than $3 trillion in outstanding derivatives, bonds, and loans, comparable to the size of the SOR and SIBOR market before the start of the transition exercise.
According to a new report from the Staten Island Board of Realtors (SIBOR), pending sales on the Island were up 11.1% in January, while closed sales rose 14.7%, as compared to the same month last ...
Real estate experts and other industry professionals Network and mingle during a SIBOR realtor expo in Staten Island, N.Y. The annual Realtor EXPO held on Staten Island has earned its place among ...