A small but influential group of evangelicals argues that enforcing the law is as important as mercy, and has come to see ...
The closest you might find is a list in Proverbs 6:16-19 of "seven things that the Lord hates": "The whole concept of the seven deadly sins was something introduced by early [Christian] Church ...
Jesus describes the processes for dealing with church members who willfully sin. Jesus taught that practicing sin (willfully, ...
Sin. Humans have free will and can choose to do things that go against God’s will. These actions are called ‘sin’.
Christians believe that only God can rectify the problem of humans being full of sin. To do this, he offered salvation through the sacrifice of Christ. When the woman saw the fruit of the tree she ...
Littlejohn then turns to “moral freedom,” the Spirit’s gradual liberation of Christians from bondage to indwelling sin. Here, he gives extended attention to ancient pagan virtue theory ...