The existence of a subpopulation of stem cells that can regenerate differentiated cell ... we reported studies of cell fate in murine tail epidermis that revealed a mechanism of tissue homeostasis ...
The findings of Taylor et al. 1 indicate that epidermis can be produced by hair follicles in undamaged newborn skin, and that stem cell progeny move horizontally from the follicle, a process that ...
Yejing Ge, a cell biologist at the MD Anderson Cancer Center, discussed her research on skin-resident stem cells and the surprisingly similar process that drives these cells towards controlled tissue ...
As a self-renewing organ maintained by multiple distinct stem cell populations, the skin epidermis represents an outstanding, clinically highly relevant research paradigm to address these questions.
When a child falls off her bike and scrapes her knee, skin stem cells rush to the rescue, growing new epidermis to cover ...