Baby boxes originate from Finland, and have been given to pregnant women in the Scandinavian country since 1938. They’re now such a big part of Finnish culture that nearly all babies sleep in a baby ...
Baby boxes are being promoted as a safe alternative ... But experts have raised concerns about how safe the boxes are to sleep in. Writing in a letter to the BMJ, Prof Peter Blair and colleagues ...
Extending the scheme would provide all babies with a safe space to sleep and particularly benefit those from deprived backgrounds, the RCM said. Baby box scheme rolled out across Scotland Cot ...
The government mails these cardboard cribs filled with baby supplies to any expectant mother who signs up and comes in for a prenatal checkup. As a result, parents save time and money, and proponents ...
Based on the Finnish model, which has a proven record of decreasing infant mortality, the box includes essential items for a baby’s first weeks and months and it will also provide a safe space for ...