毫不夸张地说,很多小伙伴根本就不认识这款新车,但却熟悉另一款新车,那就是奔驰AMG GT,这是一辆纯粹的性能跑车,起售价为99.28-134.48万元,去年4月份正式上市。没想到今年1月份居然又推出了新能源版本。这款AMG GT新能源的指导价高达228.55万元,价格确实非常贵,但动力系统很出色,4.0T加电机组成的插电式混动,能够实现2.8秒破百。
That also means Smart models share bits and pieces with those aforementioned brands and that the cars are built in China.
Now on its third year on the market, the smart #1 is set to receive a fairly substantial model year update in China, adding ...
The new GT coupe has some cool technology and a powerful V8. I'll admit to being a bit of a Mercedes-AMG fan. I love the cockpit-inspired interiors and the curvy exterior designs, to say nothing ...
G63 AMG looks better, has more traction, all-terrain driving confidence and pothole stroke survivability with Grabber AT3s.
The only differences are the trapezoid exhausts, the AMG Line-styled front bumpers and AMG alloys, which, wrapped in high-profile rubber in the interests of ride comfort, quite frankly don’t ...
The B-Class is smart inside, comfortable and really practical. If you’re looking for a genuine SUV alternative and you don’t need seven seats, it’s well worth a look. The petrol in AMG Line ...