Initially released in 2001, the collection spans the first decade-plus of the beloved rock band’s discography and includes fan-favorite deep-cuts. The Smashing Pumpkins are bringing (Rotten ...
How would you like to win an autographed vinyl of the Smashing ... this latest addition to the Loudwire Record Club. It was a banner year for Smashing Pumpkins, who received rave reviews for ...
A fearless quest for perfection, Smashing Pumpkins’ ‘Siamese ... [the general feeling] that we’d better sell a lot of records,” Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan told Uncut in 2014.
With the studio album 'Aghori Mhori Mei,’ leader Billy Corgan has Smashing Pumpkins dialing back to their roots ...
Smashing Pumpkins When alternative rock took over the world, the airwaves, and MTV during the 1990s, few bands garnered more press or sold more records than the Smashing Pumpkins — you’d ...
while Tarantula has psychedelic touches that echo the bluster of the band’s earlier records – but taken overall it’s the one Smashing Pumpkins album you really don’t need in your collection.
which focuses exclusively on the bestselling albums and EPs on vinyl in the U.S., The Smashing Pumpkins debut their collection of hits at No. 6. The Smashing Pumpkins released {Rotten Apples} ...