On the Rocks is a 2020 comedy-drama film directed by Sofia Coppola. It follows a father-daughter duo who reconnect in New York City. Because of suspicion about her husband’s faithfulness ...
Bill Murray Croons for Rashida Jones in Sweet Scene from Sofia Coppola's On The Rocks Bill Murray and Rashida Jones Go on Father-Daughter Quest in Sofia Coppola's On the Rocks Trailer Kirsten ...
Eighteen months later, Sofia Coppola is telling a similar ... the lens from the viewpoint of the wife of the king of rock'n'roll. Coppola's starting point was Priscilla Presley's 1985 bestselling ...
Having an undeniable music icon as a family member can certainly make it hard to avoid the limelight, especially if that ...
American filmmaker Sofia Coppola is responsible for some of Hollywood’s most memorable fashion moments – whether the glimpse of a discarded Converse boot among the otherwise Rococo stylings of Marie ...
artistic directed by Sofia Coppola and photographed by Craig McDean. Abrams sports a variety of looks, from a tomboyish baseball jacket-and-Bermuda-shorts combo to ladylike tweeds and pearls.