It has been 40 years since NASA launched the first dedicated Department of Defense Space Shuttle mission, after which engineers spotted O-ring seal defficiencies that would doom Challenger a year ...
The strong-willed director of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, he failed to pass on warnings from engineers that the ...
On this date, Jan. 28, 1986, space shuttle Challenger exploded just 73 seconds after liftoff from Kennedy Space Center, killing all seven crew members. Two O-rings in the right solid rocket booster ...
Within days, NASA concluded two rubber O-rings in Challenger ... lifted off from the space center. Seventeen years after the Challenger disaster, another shuttle and its crew were lost in ...
Space exploration has been marked by tragic disasters, such as the Apollo 1 fire, Soyuz 1 and 11 accidents, and the Space ...
In 1986 he somewhat reluctantly agreed to join the Rogers Commission, whose task was to investigate the Challenger disaster. The space shuttle ... disaster was that O-rings on one of the sections ...
Lucas, a NASA rocket scientist who helped shape the nation’s first satellite as well as its first space ... about the O-rings, he also suggested that disasters like the Challenger tragedy ...
William R. Lucas, a NASA rocket scientist who helped shape the nation's first satellite as well as its first space station, ...