Animals and plants are being driven to extinction at unprecedented rates by habitat loss, pollution and climate change. Most scientists believe we’re in the sixth mass planetary extinction crisis and ...
In the 1970s, the species was on the brink of extinction, with only 12 to 20 individuals ... and transfer these rafts into a 96-well culture plate for gentle, indirect handling of clonal populations.
A massive extinction known as the Sinsk event happened just as life expanded beyond parallel. Now scientists know that tectonic plates caused ... into hundreds of species that created the first ...
It's difficult to imagine a process more gradual than continental drift ... number of dinosaur species would likely mirror an equally gradual cause of their ultimate extinction.
Extinction is a big problem. The IUCN's Red List of Threatened Species recognizes that "more than 46,300 species are threatened with extinction. That is still 28% of all assessed species." ...
Aa Aa Aa Natural selection, genetic drift, and gene flow are the mechanisms ... As Charles Darwin (1859) argued in On the Origin of Species, if the following conditions are met, natural selection ...