A subduction zone is created where two plates converge, with one sinking into the mantle. Dynamics along the plate interface create earthquakes, magma generated above the sinking slab leads to ...
Along this fraught stretch, called the Cascadia Subduction Zone, two pieces of the Earth’s crust slide against each other, building up stresses capable of unleashing a catastrophic 9.0-magnitude ...
1. Figure 1: Map of the northern Cascadia subduction zone showing the distribution of earthquakes in the subducting Juan de Fuca plate and the locations of seismic cross-sections. Green dashed line ...
This area, called the Cascadia Subduction Zone, hosts a megathrust fault, a place where tectonic plates move against each ...
Researchers from Otago, Victoria and Massey universities, along with GNS Science, establish a relationship to earthquake ...
The Pacific Northwest is at risk for a mega-earthquake because of the Cascadia Subduction Zone. The region is primed for powerful quakes, with a particularly strong one called the Big One ...