自1996年起,John Lobb每年推出限量版“Saint Crépin”鞋款,以纪念非凡制鞋工艺。 By 耿元发布时间: Dec 9, 2024 今年推出全新 “Alexander” 限量单扣鞋, 众星以不同风格, 展现绅雅风采。 陈靖可穿着 “Alexander” 限量版, 沉稳姿态尽显绅雅风采。 白举纲穿着 “Alexander ...
As for what's selling now, Gonzalez noted that the brand's icons like the Lopez loafer, the William double buckle oxford and ...
Aston Martin figures its customers should have the right shoes to drive their GTs, so the British automaker has collaborated with the shoemakers at John Lobb on a special collection of driving shoes.