While almost 300 students per year participate in either a semester or yearlong program abroad, others seek an international research, study or internship experience during the summer or interterm.
D.C. Summer sessions include courses not offered during fall or spring, complementing and expanding current programs and providing unique programs, such as Esports Level Up. International study ...
Many summer study abroad programs begin in late May or early June when Northwestern students are not eligible to participate due to spring quarter exams. According to the Undergraduate Catalog, "early ...
Summer financial aid (including work-study) is separate from your academic year financial aid. Students interested in summer work-study will automatically be offered after completing the summer ...
Summer aid is designed to assist students taking courses during the summer semester or participating in study abroad. The Summer Financial Aid Application is available in myPurdue. Many Purdue ...
Academic planning resources help you make study abroad work with your major/minor. GLO info sessions are a great way to learn more about specific programs, hear from past students, and speak to ...
LSE Summer School Study with LSE in Central London as part of the largest Summer School in Europe LSE-PKU Summer School with Peking University Study in Beijing, one of the world's most historically ...
Ciara Gan is currently finishing her Bachelor degree in Management Informations Systems with a specialisation in Enterprise Systems at Ateneo de Manila University in the Philippines. She decided to ...
Bengal's summer power demand surged by 36% due to rising temperatures, increasing reliance on fossil fuels and leading to ...