Each Sunday during Advent, we’ll share a reflection to help you deepen your spiritual experience and contemplate the mysteries of the season and the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Merry Christmas!
Just last Sunday we completed another cycle of the Church’s liturgical year as we celebrated ... No, your job is to be ready to stand before Him, with open and ready arms. And isn’t that what Advent ...
The three purple candles will be lit on the first, second and fourth Sunday of Advent. The pink candle will be lit on the third Sunday of Advent, known as Gaudete Sunday. Gaudete means ‘to ...
The spirit of penance during Advent is not the same as that for Lent and some joy is permitted. Gaudete means "rejoice" and takes its name from the first word of the Introit for that Sunday.
The Advent wreath is made of four candles and a circle of branches. Before the first candle is lighted, the household gathers for this blessing. In the short days and long nights of Advent ...
Advent is four weeks long and marks the beginning of the Christian year. The first Sunday of Advent is always four Sundays before Christmas, which means it could be as early as 27 November.
the Sunday of Advent takes precedence over the solemnity,” the archdiocesan circular said. The holy day of obligation to attend mass on Dec. 8, will also be transferred to Dec. 9. With the ...