The superconducting transition temperature of this material reaches 11.6 K, making it the transition metal sulfide superconductor with the highest transition temperature under ambient pressure.
Properties of materials in the superconducting state; charge flow dynamics of type II superconductors; high T c superconductors; applications for computers and high-frequency devices. REQUIRED TEXTS: ...
In a groundbreaking achievement, researchers from Peking University's School of Materials Science and Engineering, led by Professor Jin-Hu Dou, have synthesized a novel non-van-der-Waals ...
So room temperature "superconducting" materials could revolutionise the electrical grid. Until this point, achieving superconductivity has required cooling materials to very low temperatures.
In a groundbreaking achievement, researchers from Peking University's School of Materials Science and Engineering, led by Professor Jin-Hu Dou, have ...