What is a superconductor, and how does it work? Do room-temperature superconductors really break physics? Read on to find out. Share on Facebook (opens in a new window) Share on X (opens in a new ...
To have been alive over the last five decades is to have seen superconductors progress from only possible at near-absolute-zero temperatures, to around the temperature of liquid nitrogen in the ...
Boston College physicists have discovered a complex landscape of electronic states that can co-exist on a kagome lattice, resembling those in high-temperature superconductors, they reported this fall ...
It could be a small but significant step in the search for one of the "holy grails" of physics, a superconductor that operates at room temperature. The discovery, made inside the unlikely material ...
22-24, 1989, 75, ed. K.Tachikawa, published by U. S. Department of Energy (1989). 3. Nikolo, M., “Density and texture dependence of grain coupling in sintered Y-Ba-Cu-O superconductors,” Physics and ...
At extremely high densities, quarks are expected to form pairs, as electrons do in a superconductor. This high-density quark behavior is called color superconductivity. The strength of pairing ...