日本知名汽车品牌SUZUKI深耕台湾汽车市场,其中小型掀背SWIFT车系自2005年上市至今,歷经4个世代蜕变深获消费者喜爱,TAIWAN SUZUKI自5 日起至16日于三创生活园区举办「SWIFT在台20周年特展」。董事长长谷川靖开幕 ...
Beijing has criticized the change, set to take effect May 26, as it claims Taiwan as an inseparable part of Chinese territory. Suzuki countered that the family register system is a matter of Japan ...
Professor Suzuki says the precedents suggest Ariyoshi and Lu could also win their case. Even if the pair are able to marry in Taiwan, the union will not be recognized in Japan. That poses a ...